2021, Jan. 17
(Rice Koji drink)

[ Ingredients ]
Fresh rice Koji (Dried rice Koji works too.), Water
[ Tools ]
Incubator, Yogurt maker, or that sort of thing(which can keep 60-65°C.)
① Put the fresh rice Koji in an incubator. If you see some blocks, please break them into pieces.
② Pour plenty of water untill it covers the Koji compleatly. It's good to check the level of water after an hour or so. (Dried Koji needs much more water than a fresh one.)
③ Keep the mix warm around 60-65°C for 10-12 hours. I recommend you to make sure the temperature. Don't go over 65°C. Otherwise, it can fail. Higher than 65°C can make Amazake strange taste.
④ Check the taste from time to time. It will get sweeter and sweeter. Then you succeed.
⑤ Put the Amazake in a blender, mixer, or anything to make it smoother.
After it's done, please keep it in a fridge and finish it in a week. (However, the expiring date of homemade foods is up to you!)
** Important! **
・No more than 65°C.
If your Amazake goes over 70°C, the enzyme can't act anymore. It causes acidic or bitter Amazake. The use of a thermometer is highly recommended.
In general, a lot of Amazake recipe recommends pasteurizing Amazake to keep it safe. However, I found that my Amazake keeps longer when I don't pasteurize it.
Maybe a month or a bit more. It may be because of my fridge's environment, or my favorite Koji is different from others. It's a mystery of Amazake. I usually keep my Amazake in sterilized Sake bottles. So, please have a try it.